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Siamese Fighting Fish

(Betta Splendens)

Siamese fighting fish, also known as bettas are a very popular species of aquarium fish that are the subject of many aquarium myths. They come in a stunning array of colours from blue and purple to red. Only the males have the elaborate fins with females having much shorter fins. They can be kept in community aquariums with other small fish but should be kept singly as two males may fight to the death. They should not be kept with fish such as guppys as a male guppy may be mistaken for one of them and killed. They like planted aquariums and may rest on the leaves of broad leaved plants. They should not be kept with fin nipping fish as they are prone to being picked on by these fish.

  Max Size: 6cm Temperature: 24-28ºc Ease of Keeping: Moderate Temperament: Peaceful Compatibility: Moderate Plant Friendly: Yes